NaV 1.7 Inhibition

Advancing Treatment

Pain signals are nerve impulses that travel along a nerve as electrical signals. The sodium channel NaV 1.7 is key to the initiation and conduction of these electrical signals that the brain interprets as pain. This is well supported in peer review research over the past decades. Halneuron binds to and blocks these sodium ion channels on the nerve cell surface, reducing the movement of sodium ions, which in turn reduces the conduction of pain signals.

Dogwood’s Halneuron is administered by subcutaneous injection and has been tested on over 700 volunteers to date. Halneuron has been tested on patients with moderate-to-severe cancer pain as well as people with moderate-to-severe chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. Results from these early clinical trials has shown varying degrees and duration of pain relief, and a reduction in opioid requirements.


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